Tested on a technique that promises to 6 weeks to make ladies 'legs' in the shapely form of the model.
Highly susceptible classic Alexander Pushkin once was in a bad mood, and all the girls hurt American for 200 years. Picked up and for some reason wrote: "As soon as my only weapon you'll find in the whole American / Two pairs of shapely female legs." I, too - Supermodel of the African ...
I struggled over the question: "If the whole country with their feet is something wrong, then I too?"
Beginning in the legs to admire actresses. Compare. In general, in vain. Births and years of beautiful female hips do not add ...
Why have not I tried! Diet, anti-cellulite massages, body wraps and warm creams, squatting, walking on the carpet at the "fifth point" (by the way, a powerful exercise), swimming in the pool before the frenzy ...
- Maeshsya? - Once asked a friend-athlete. - Try to find a book, "The legs of the world standard." What is laughing at? So it is called. Exercises fierce. But ... working.
The minimum set: global health, a chair and ball Complex I honestly have downloaded from the Internet. Totally book is"Feet of world standard. An efficient six-week program to bring in the shape of your legs, buttocks, thighs. " The authors - Felix Schmitt and Cynthia Tayvers.
In the preface warning: to engage in this program, and health should have a "world standard".
The authors have repented, that had his own method in Los Angeles on models, athletes, and business women and housewives. The methodology - ballet movement. Many years ago, a dancer Lotte Berk was a serious spinal injury. In order not to lose shape, it has developed a system of exercises that are adapted ballet pas to people far from the dance. Here they are willing to offer and ...
Personally, I bought a phrase: "If at least three times a week do you devote to these exercises for half an hour, your buttocks will be rounder and firmer than they were a kid."
And what of all the equipment needed nothing at all: base (suitable chair), a mirror ball and pleasant music with a steady rhythm (for example, Michael Jackson). Personally, I practiced by the "Queen" and Frank Sinatra.
There should be at least an hour before class. The exercises are divided into "weeks." Having mastered one, move on to the next, more difficult.
Three council, how to make a "work!"
No wonder the authors wrote that the deal may be even in the bathroom, holding onto the door handle. Inexperienced "slimming dancer" - a show not for the faint of heart.
All exercises are in the "clamped pelvis" - that is tense thighs and buttocks.
We must continuously monitor the bearing. And to stand on tiptoes.
Can you imagine that this is going to face ... Plus sweat.
Tip number 1 . Go in when no one sees you. Personally, I puffed, when no one was home. I am afraid that the relatives still do not know what great is decided strictly on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.
Having mastered the exercise of the "first week" (they took 10 days), I lost by 1 cm at the hips and waist. Yes, muscles ached, but I began to feel them! A discomfort filmed bath with sea salt.
"Second Week" was held where the heavier. 40 minutes to perform the full range is not working, needed almost an hour. Complicated exercise. Increasingly, devour in one gulp like a fat chicken leg and a bar of chocolate - what to do, the authors advise. But I was able to master the "second week" just in the last 7 days Read More.
Tip number 2 . Create a stimulating: small gifts for the backbreaking labor. I allowed myself a piece of candy.
If the desire to quit becoming quite unbearable, Mark Bernes cut in the song "There would not have stood, if it were not me!"
"Third week" seemed to me the capture of Mount Everest. Honestly I say seriously. After it I went on vacation.
Tip number 3 . Do not make the big break. Classes must be logged into the system. Otherwise, it is very difficult to make a return to the previous rate. I've not been able to ...
But the result was still there! Rather, on his feet.
"The complex is ideal for moms in the decree"
- In the "legs ..." There is nothing particularly new for the American, rather educated customers. This is a corrective exercise with elements of dance - says fitness director of the group of companies "Planet Fitness" Victoria Topolyan. - These are used in strength training in Pilates.
The exercises are suitable for beginners to do, and people with average physical training. For example, for mothers, sitting in the decree with young children, or those who engage in regularly.
Do not try this system, if you have varicose veins, back pain, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, weight over 90 kg. Not suitable for pregnant and he was. In any case, before the training is to consult with your doctor. Generally, in order to bring the thighs and legs, it is necessary to combine two types of exercises.
The first - Aerobic - burn fat. It's swimming, aerobics, jogging, walking, rowing, cycling, walking. Moreover, the load should be of medium intensity go to more info Fat Loss Factor.
Second - Power corrective exercises that give the body to "relief." It squats, lunges, abduction of the hips to the side, lift legs.
Of course, if you can not go to a fitness center, you should do and at home, but the efficiency will be higher if you - under the watchful eye of a professional.
On the American classics and laziness
Centuries after the death of the classic American women acquitted the physiologists: legs are quite shapely, figure in a harmonious whole.
But there are national characteristics: a tendency to varicose veins, cellulite. And some looseness - sports we rarely do. Only one third of "losing weight" at least once a week frighten muscle. Well, we believe in miracles - that will resolve itself! Do not resolved. Need to sweat!
If the volume: hip disappeared from the 5 cm from the waist - 2 cm and the result holds for almost 4 months.
Externally: buttocks tightened, widened, changed the front upper thigh - no hanging on my knees Zhirkov. Become stronger pelvic muscles, the press, back, improved posture.
And I started terribly proud of yourself. After all, is, therefore, will power!
Some of the most effective exercises
First you need to always "warm up muscles" - to warm up (the authors' feet ... "still insist on the banner), and then proceed to the main motion.
Dancer in the machine

Feet shoulder width apart, feet parallel. Lift your heels about three inches above the floor. Pull in the stomach, hold the pelvis, bend your knees to five centimeters. This is your starting position in this position. Firmly squeeze and then release the glutes. Again, make a clip of the pelvis at this level. Get down to three centimeters (on the second level) and then hold down and release the bowl twice. Get down for another three inches and three hold and release the pelvis. On the fourth linger in the clamped position to the bill "ten."
Again, go up to the initial level, when your knees are bent to five inches, and your pelvis is squeezed and pushed forward. Repeat five times.
Popa dropped? Oh, no!
Sit on the edge of a chair and hold the ball between your knees. Keep the inner thighs. Sit up straight, hands - on the sides of the seat.
Hold the ball between your thighs as much as possible and hold it in a position to account "three." Release the clamp, but do not let the ball of the foot! Then again, squeeze the ball very well and keep up the account the "three."
Repeat the contraction and relaxation of muscles thirty times to complete one cycle.
This exercise is "wake up" the inner thigh muscles.
I struggled over the question: "If the whole country with their feet is something wrong, then I too?"
Beginning in the legs to admire actresses. Compare. In general, in vain. Births and years of beautiful female hips do not add ...
Why have not I tried! Diet, anti-cellulite massages, body wraps and warm creams, squatting, walking on the carpet at the "fifth point" (by the way, a powerful exercise), swimming in the pool before the frenzy ...
- Maeshsya? - Once asked a friend-athlete. - Try to find a book, "The legs of the world standard." What is laughing at? So it is called. Exercises fierce. But ... working.
The minimum set: global health, a chair and ball Complex I honestly have downloaded from the Internet. Totally book is"Feet of world standard. An efficient six-week program to bring in the shape of your legs, buttocks, thighs. " The authors - Felix Schmitt and Cynthia Tayvers.
In the preface warning: to engage in this program, and health should have a "world standard".
The authors have repented, that had his own method in Los Angeles on models, athletes, and business women and housewives. The methodology - ballet movement. Many years ago, a dancer Lotte Berk was a serious spinal injury. In order not to lose shape, it has developed a system of exercises that are adapted ballet pas to people far from the dance. Here they are willing to offer and ...
Personally, I bought a phrase: "If at least three times a week do you devote to these exercises for half an hour, your buttocks will be rounder and firmer than they were a kid."
And what of all the equipment needed nothing at all: base (suitable chair), a mirror ball and pleasant music with a steady rhythm (for example, Michael Jackson). Personally, I practiced by the "Queen" and Frank Sinatra.
There should be at least an hour before class. The exercises are divided into "weeks." Having mastered one, move on to the next, more difficult.
Three council, how to make a "work!"
No wonder the authors wrote that the deal may be even in the bathroom, holding onto the door handle. Inexperienced "slimming dancer" - a show not for the faint of heart.
All exercises are in the "clamped pelvis" - that is tense thighs and buttocks.
We must continuously monitor the bearing. And to stand on tiptoes.
Can you imagine that this is going to face ... Plus sweat.
Tip number 1 . Go in when no one sees you. Personally, I puffed, when no one was home. I am afraid that the relatives still do not know what great is decided strictly on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.
Having mastered the exercise of the "first week" (they took 10 days), I lost by 1 cm at the hips and waist. Yes, muscles ached, but I began to feel them! A discomfort filmed bath with sea salt.
"Second Week" was held where the heavier. 40 minutes to perform the full range is not working, needed almost an hour. Complicated exercise. Increasingly, devour in one gulp like a fat chicken leg and a bar of chocolate - what to do, the authors advise. But I was able to master the "second week" just in the last 7 days Read More.
Tip number 2 . Create a stimulating: small gifts for the backbreaking labor. I allowed myself a piece of candy.
If the desire to quit becoming quite unbearable, Mark Bernes cut in the song "There would not have stood, if it were not me!"
"Third week" seemed to me the capture of Mount Everest. Honestly I say seriously. After it I went on vacation.
Tip number 3 . Do not make the big break. Classes must be logged into the system. Otherwise, it is very difficult to make a return to the previous rate. I've not been able to ...
But the result was still there! Rather, on his feet.
"The complex is ideal for moms in the decree"
- In the "legs ..." There is nothing particularly new for the American, rather educated customers. This is a corrective exercise with elements of dance - says fitness director of the group of companies "Planet Fitness" Victoria Topolyan. - These are used in strength training in Pilates.
The exercises are suitable for beginners to do, and people with average physical training. For example, for mothers, sitting in the decree with young children, or those who engage in regularly.
Do not try this system, if you have varicose veins, back pain, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, weight over 90 kg. Not suitable for pregnant and he was. In any case, before the training is to consult with your doctor. Generally, in order to bring the thighs and legs, it is necessary to combine two types of exercises.
The first - Aerobic - burn fat. It's swimming, aerobics, jogging, walking, rowing, cycling, walking. Moreover, the load should be of medium intensity go to more info Fat Loss Factor.
Second - Power corrective exercises that give the body to "relief." It squats, lunges, abduction of the hips to the side, lift legs.
Of course, if you can not go to a fitness center, you should do and at home, but the efficiency will be higher if you - under the watchful eye of a professional.
On the American classics and laziness
Centuries after the death of the classic American women acquitted the physiologists: legs are quite shapely, figure in a harmonious whole.
But there are national characteristics: a tendency to varicose veins, cellulite. And some looseness - sports we rarely do. Only one third of "losing weight" at least once a week frighten muscle. Well, we believe in miracles - that will resolve itself! Do not resolved. Need to sweat!
If the volume: hip disappeared from the 5 cm from the waist - 2 cm and the result holds for almost 4 months.
Externally: buttocks tightened, widened, changed the front upper thigh - no hanging on my knees Zhirkov. Become stronger pelvic muscles, the press, back, improved posture.
And I started terribly proud of yourself. After all, is, therefore, will power!
Some of the most effective exercises
First you need to always "warm up muscles" - to warm up (the authors' feet ... "still insist on the banner), and then proceed to the main motion.
Dancer in the machine
Feet shoulder width apart, feet parallel. Lift your heels about three inches above the floor. Pull in the stomach, hold the pelvis, bend your knees to five centimeters. This is your starting position in this position. Firmly squeeze and then release the glutes. Again, make a clip of the pelvis at this level. Get down to three centimeters (on the second level) and then hold down and release the bowl twice. Get down for another three inches and three hold and release the pelvis. On the fourth linger in the clamped position to the bill "ten."
Again, go up to the initial level, when your knees are bent to five inches, and your pelvis is squeezed and pushed forward. Repeat five times.
Popa dropped? Oh, no!
Sit on the edge of a chair and hold the ball between your knees. Keep the inner thighs. Sit up straight, hands - on the sides of the seat.
Hold the ball between your thighs as much as possible and hold it in a position to account "three." Release the clamp, but do not let the ball of the foot! Then again, squeeze the ball very well and keep up the account the "three."
Repeat the contraction and relaxation of muscles thirty times to complete one cycle.
This exercise is "wake up" the inner thigh muscles.
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