Losing weight is not easy. It is much harder than you think. There is no magic pill that would help in an instant to lose weight. Promised that no advertising slogans, it is impossible to lose weight in 7 days, without making any effort. The process of weight loss in general need to look more realistic, and not through rose-colored glasses, which are vying with each slip us food manufacturers and nutritionists. Bitter truth is better than sweet lies (all the more so from the sweet recover).
Physical activity should last longer than you think
If just half an hour a day to devote all sorts of physical exercise will improve heart function and overall physical condition. However, for those who want to lose weight, time spent on physical activity, should increase at least twice.
The study, published in July this year in the pages of publications confirms these findings. For two years, nutritionists have followed the pattern weight and physical activity 200 subjects suffering from obesity. Women who are able to lose the end of the study boee 10% of original weight, spent on exercise about 275 minutes per week, or 55 minutes a day.

Half-hour walk does not save you from a chocolate cookies
Dieting is easy to lose track of calories: they underestimate the amount of your favorite chocolate chip cookies is as simple as to overestimate the time and effort spent on exercise. Feels like you've spent in the park all day, spinning the wheel of a bicycle, but in reality had only half an hour in the saddle. The desire to reward yourself for hard training is understandable, but for half an hour you will burn calories for a few crumbs of his favorite dessert, not more.
Remember : even if you honestly spend in the gym for three hours in a row, this is not a reason to "reward" myself for eating all the efforts, which will fall on your hungry eyes (unless you have moved a mountain, and you have a metabolism like a 16 - year old girl).Do not flatter yourself, in order to lose weight, you need to not only increase the load, but also reduce the number of calories.
Do you have time to exercise
If you have time to check email, watch a couple of your favorite TV series, potorchat on the Internet for coffee with a friend, drop into a clothing store and tdi etc - then you have the time and the fact to force myself to go to a fitness club or work out at home.
To lose weight, you must eat less
Food industry chatso triggers all sorts of research on nutrition in order to turn them subsequently in marketing strategies. One example - a widespread and supported by various studies of the view that increased consumption of dairy products in the rejection of others contributes to weight loss. However, another study conducted on the basis of clinical observations of obese people, from 1966 to 2007, confidently affirmed: "No milk, no milk, no other kaltsesoderzhaschie products do not lead to weight loss."
A fascinating idea that increased eating of any one product may lead to weight loss is still beneficial operated supermarkets.Why are only these low-calorie cakes, crackers, and dietary fat potato chips! You do not ridiculous to read it fat loss factor? That's just the same. The main idea of losing weight is to eat less,not more .
Not all calories are created equal
There are two points of view on how people gain weight. The first view states that the amount of assimilated energy exceeds the amount spent. The second point of view: it is the type of calories that we eat. Agree that 500 calories contained in a jar of Coca-Cola does not equal the same amount of calories contained in chicken fillets or broccoli. Chicken and broccoli is quite possible to eat, but the soda - is unlikely.
Why is this happening? Because cola contains so-called "empty calories". "Empty calories" - it is the calories of low nutritional value, but the highest numeric value of "calories." The high content of calories yield carbs and fats, and nutritional value of foods provide vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other micronutrients. Therefore, for effective weight loss should not focus on counting calories, while reducing the number of "empty" and increase the number of "useful" calories.
The body is working against you
Overweight - a breeze, but the drop - often an impossible task. It turns out that the whims of the body easily explained - is a kind of "hello" from the past, when there are no supermarkets, and a hearty dinner depended on hunting success. At the organism level geneticheskoi used to save everything in store - you never know when there will have a hearty meal. For the same reason he stolzhe reluctant to "share" safely hidden away in fat, making the process of losing weight like a stubborn brbu with himself.
Social revolt against weight loss
Well then get thin if the food culture of the country far from any progressive and healthy diets? What we have on the table? Solid meat - with potatoes, pasta, mayonnaise. Where do not come around dumplings, rich soup with meat broth with fat sour cream, pasta nautically, Olivier, pies, cabbage and mushrooms ... Neither your salad, delicately sprinkled with olive oil or chicken fat krudki without skin, or corn bread.
Do not accepted. And on the "telly" orgy of chips, nuts, fast food of all kinds and shapes. What to do and who's to blame?Do not despair - just send "on a diet" all that bad: watch less television (then there will be less likely to run into something tasty advertising and harmful), stop to visit fast food outlets, coming to visit, try not to eat ilshnego.

Maybe you do not need to lose weight
Think about why you are so eager to lose weight? You probelmy health due to obesity, you're afraid to look olstoy tons of friends, or lean on you just do not nalezli here is the beautiful baby jacket size? For health can not be afraid, some studies suggest that weight in excess of the rate of 10-12 kg, a factor that affects the health of the circulatory seredchno region and in the field of oncology.
The truth is that Mauger to be healthy and keep yourself in good physical shape, but do not be thin. It is also true to say that you can be thin and not ochsen healthy and fit. Your main goal should be no weight, and their own health. No need to starve to achieve the desired amount - so you only hurt sebe.Vprochem, we should not underestimate the risk and who expose themselves to people suffering from obesity.
This - not a diet, it is - life
The biggest mistake that can prevent a person who wants to lose weight is to diet. Do not laugh. Everyone thinks the temporary inconvenience of the diet, which will end as soon as the desired weight is reached. Do not have time to cock to reach the desired mark, as half-baked, with a triumphant shout hudyshki cast aside hateful cabbage leaf and the rush to advance concealed cake to "mark" the end of suffering. Not surprisingly, after such diets Weight recruited very quickly.
Remember , if you firmly decide to lose weight and maintain a certain weight, you need not sit on some kind of nibd Expro, diet, and completely change the power scheme and attitude towards food. The diet should be a part of life.